Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cantaloupe Granita

When the hubby brought home a cantaloupe recently that was literally as big as my head from the grocery store, my first thought was, how in the world would we be able to eat it all before it goes bad?!?!  It sat on the kitchen counter for about a week, before I decided I better at least cube it up. Even with Dominic, the hubby and I eating it, I knew I had better figure out a way to use more of it!! Have you ever heard of "granita?" In Italian, it means, "fruit ice." Of course, I had to have a "sample" of this last night, after I put Dominic to bed. Yesterday was very warm and our house (even at 10:15 at night) was kind of stuffy. I put the rest of the granita in the freezer, thinking  it would be warm enough today that we could have it later after dinner. Well, guess what? Today is damp, chilly and just barely 50 degrees. Figures! Do you think maybe I should make hot chocolate instead!?!?!?!

4 cups cantaloupe, cubed (seeds and rind removed)
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup agave nectar
1/8 teaspoon salt

In blender, put the cubed cantaloupe. Blend until smooth. Pour into large bowl and then add the lemon juice, agave nectar and salt. Stir well with a large spoon and then put into an 8-inch square pan. Put into the freezer for 8 hours and then remove. Using a fork, scrape into small pieces and enjoy! Makes four cups. If you have any leftover, put into a plastic container, cover and put back into the freezer.

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