Friday, February 17, 2012

Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

When you're at the grocery store do you ever pull open the doors in the ice cream section and look around at all the expensive ice cream desserts??  I have been known to do it on more than one occasion.  A favorite (and less expensive) ice cream dessert that I have served my own family and guests are "cookie ice cream sandwiches."  I have used store bought cookies and cookies I have made myself.  A dozen cookies make six sandwiches. You take a tablespoon of your favorite ice cream  and two cookies. Put the ice cream between the two cookies and squeeze gently. Eat immediately, before the ice cream melts or do what I like to do.  I make them up ahead of time and freeze until ready to eat.  The next time your kids have their friends over let them make these.  They will think think you are the coolest (and most clever) mom ever!


Club Cracker Toffee

You know when you have a "taste" for something and until you eat it, you won't be satisfied? Late yesterday afternoon, I want...